
Baseline ratios

This table contains the baseline ratios for some of the most popular fonts found on desktop, Google Fonts and Typekit. Use these numbers as the $baseline parameter of the Plumber mixin.

If you don't see your chosen font family here, use the measure tool, or if you have access to the OpenType metrics of the font you can calculate a more precise baseline ratio with the following formula:
(UnitsPerEm − hhea.Ascender − hhea.Descender) / (2 × UnitsPerEm)

Abel 0.157715
Abril Fatface 0.116500
Anton 0.096
Arial 0.153320
Arial Black 0.104492
Arial Narrow 0.138184
Arimo 0.153320
Arvo 0.143066
Avenir 0.183
Baskerville 0.174072
Bebas Neue 0.200
Bitter 0.165000
Bree Serif 0.102000
Cabin 0.142500
Courier 0.171
Courier New 0.233887
Courier Prime 0.310
Crimson Text 0.146
Dosis 0.105000
Droid Sans 0.154541
Droid Serif 0.154541
Fira Sans 0.225000
Fjalla One 0.119629
Futura 0.110596
Geneva 0.125
Gill Sans 0.161
Georgia 0.151123
Helvetica 0.121
Helvetica Neue 0.128
Hind 0.245500
Impact 0.101074
Inconsolata 0.165500
Indie Flower 0,258789
Josefin Sans 0.250000
Lato 0.113000
League Gothic 0.165
Libre Baskerville 0.150000
Libre Franklin 0.140000
Lobster 0.125000
Lora 0.162354
Lucida Grande 0.122
Merriweather 0.145020
Merriweather Sans 0.145020
Montserrat 0.141500
Muli 0.122500
Noto Sans 0.112061
Noto Serif 0.112061
Nunito 0.171000
Open Sans 0.112061
Open Sans Condensed 0.112061
Oswald 0.047607
Oxygen 0.104492
Palatino 0.231
Playfair Display 0.084473
Poppins 0.205000
PT Sans 0.188
PT Sans Narrow 0.188
PT Serif 0.129
Raleway 0.147000
Roboto 0.158203
Roboto Condensed 0.158203
Roboto Slab 0.111572
Rosario 0.141
San Francisco 0.122
Segoe UI 0.086
Slabo 27px 0.185185
Source Sans Pro 0.144500
Source Code Pro 0.145
Source Serif Pro 0.150
Space Mono 0.121
Tahoma 0.103027
Times 0.175
Times New Roman 0.162598
Titillium Web 0.127500
Trebuchet MS 0.141602
Ubuntu 0.128500
Ubuntu Condensed 0.128500
Varela Round 0.184000
Verdana 0.102295
Yanone Kaffeesatz 0.121500
Yrsa 0.250