Playback of any media that includes audio is generally blocked if the playback is programmatically initiated in a tab which has not yet had any user interaction. Browsers may additionally choose to block under other circumstances.
to check if the play attempt succeeded or failed.
From version 66 (released on 4/17/2018)
🙊 Muted autoplay is always allowed.
📣 Autoplay with sound is allowed if:
🚓 Top frames can delegate autoplay permission to their iframes to allow autoplay with sound. Autoplay is allowed by default on same-origin iframes.
From version 66 (released on 3/19/2019)
🙊 Muted autoplay is always allowed.
📣 Autoplay with sound is only allowed if the user has interacted with the domain (click, tap, etc.).
🚓 Sites can autoplay audibly if the user has previously granted them camera/microphone permission.
👩💻 Users can enable autoplay with sound on a per-site basis.
From iOS9 (released on 9/16/2015) and macOS High Sierra (released on 9/19/2017)
🙊 Muted autoplay is allowed. However, elements will only begin playing when visible on-screen such as when they are scrolled into the viewport, made visible through CSS, and inserted into the DOM.
📣 Autoplay with sound is only allowed if the user has interacted with the domain (click, tap, etc.).
🚓 Videos are prevented from auto-playing when either hidden in a background tab or otherwise off-screen.
👩💻 Users have the ability to turn off all forms of auto-play, including silent videos.
📣 Autoplay with and without sound is allowed by default.
🚓 Autoplay of media in background tabs is automatically suppressed. Iframes inherit the autoplay permission from the parent page regardless of content origin.
👩💻 Users can customize media behavior with both global and per-site autoplay controls.